Cool site that shows the worlds tallest buildings, including proposed, currently standing, and destroyed structures all over the globe.
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Friday, July 6, 2007
Amazing HDR Image of Chicago Nightscape
This is what happens with $4000 camera, the Chicago skyline at night, and an HDR lens. Unlike the Tokyo version this looks just as stunning full size.
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Amazing Folding Couch! Unbelievable Video!
The sofa appears to be made out of hundreds of thin, flat chair-shaped silhouettes, joined together by some kind of membrane in an accordion that can collapse down into a dictionary-think chunk or be spread out for feet on end, as a divan, chair or sofa. (via BoingBoing)
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Color matching sphere (Great for people that need color schemes)
It matches colors that fit well together. This is really helpful when designing anything. You can pick a color that you want to use, then it will give you colors that go good with it.
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Black Google Would Save 3,000 Megawatts a Year
An all white web page uses about 74 watts to display, while an all black page uses only 59 watts. See what happens when you do the math on Google's home page. Astounding.
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Flickr's Desktop Wallpaper Pool
Over 1,800 Flickr users have posted their favorite wallpaper photos. Minimum 1024x768 resolution.
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PICTURE: Geeky Girlfriend Makes A World Of Warcraft Themed B-Day Cake
"My a good friend makes kick-ass cakes as a hobby. Last year she started dating my old roomate who plays World of Warcraft a fair amount around his job; for christmas she aquired a "WoW stole my boyfriend" t-shirt. She is good-natured about his love of Warcraft, however, as shown by the birthday cake she made him three weeks ago"
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View Any Page In Grayscale With GrayBit
GrayBit is an online accessibility testing tool designed to visually convert any full-color web page into a grayscale rendition for the purpose of visually testing the page’s perceived contrast.
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Web-Sites of the Month: The Best of January 2007
We continue to collect the best web-development-related sites, articles, references, tutorials and freebies released or published online over the last month. Below you’ll find a list of useful resources you shouldn’t have missed in January 2007. You really shouldn't.
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Photograph of a lightbulb burning out
To create the shot, my friend Harley and I removed the glass enclosure of a standard household lightbulb (while leaving the innards intact) and powered it up in a pitch black room. The result was an immediate burn-out, which we were all to ready to photograph.
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Building a Car, Open Source-Style
Inspired by Linux, the OScar project is assembling volunteers to apply their collective talents to the task of designing a new breed of car.
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Weirdest search engine EVER!
This site is just too funny. Try the guided search. "By searching with a Guide your query is sent to a real person who is skilled at finding information on the internet and knowledgable on the subject at hand so that you get the few exact results you want, not the millions of results you don't."
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StyleMap: HTML Visual Sitemap Tool
StyleMap uses valid HTML, CSS and a touch of DOM scripting to produce a visual sitemap out of an embedded definition list. The result is a functional, scalable, and above-all rapid way to produce a tree-style map for the planning stages of your project.
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pi in colors
each of the 10 possible decimals of the number pi is displayed by a distinct colored pixel.
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Are you measuring the wrong thing just because it is easy to measure?
Technorati ranks, Diggs, calories burned on the treadmill. We measure stuff because we can get high resolution, not because it's relevant.
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Focal Length and Aperture Explained for the Photography Novice
The focal length of a lens determines its angle of view, and also how much the subject will be magnified for a given photographic position. The aperture range of a lens refers to the amount of light that the diaphragm can let inside the camera to reach the sensor. Here are some pictures explaining this functions very clear.
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Create a realistic vector self portrait in 2 minutes using Illustrator
After seeing several tutorials on “how to create a self vector portrait using illustrator," that take several hours, here is the 2 minute version.
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Amazing Folding Couch! Unbelievable Video!
The sofa appears to be made out of hundreds of thin, flat chair-shaped silhouettes, joined together by some kind of membrane in an accordion that can collapse down into a dictionary-think chunk or be spread out for feet on end, as a divan, chair or sofa. (via BoingBoing)
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PICTURE: Geeky Girlfriend Makes A World Of Warcraft Themed B-Day Cake
"My a good friend makes kick-ass cakes as a hobby. Last year she started dating my old roomate who plays World of Warcraft a fair amount around his job; for christmas she aquired a "WoW stole my boyfriend" t-shirt. She is good-natured about his love of Warcraft, however, as shown by the birthday cake she made him three weeks ago"
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Google's obscure literary reference for Valentine's Day?
Did anybody notice today's "Google" logo? Doesn't it look like "Googe"? I did some very brief digging and found an obscure literary reference for Valentine's Day!
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Why are people fascinated by photographs of crowds?
This blog provides commentary and analysis on images of crowds, looking at why our eyes are drawn to certain kinds of crowd formations. Why do some crowds seem disturbing, and others natural? How does composition affect our responses?
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Better approach to building CSS layouts
Learn how to use ems instead of pixels to build scalable and accessible CSS design. Em Calculator helps you in this process, converting pixel values to em - unit which depends on text size and showing results in convenient tree updated on the fly.
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Amazing HDR Image of Tokyo Nightscape
Flickr user /ltus's amazing HDR image Tokyo Nightscape "taken atop the Roppongi Hills Mori Building in Tokyo, Japan." Be sure to go to the 3008 x 2000 full-size image for the full effect.
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Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface
"The ubiquity of frustrating, unhelpful software interfaces has motivated decades of research into “Human-Computer Interaction.” In this paper, I suggest that the long-standing focus on “interaction” may be misguided. For a majority subset of software, called “information software,..."
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LA Times Uses 22 Different Fonts on Front Page
Just scroll down a lil and you'll see the front page and the disasterous, Ransom-note mix of fonts, all itemized....
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Redoable 1.0 Theme for Wordpess
This new theme for Wordpress is based upon the great K2 theme it supports sidebar widgets, has built in support for more than a dozen popular plugins. It comes with an easy to use admin interface to help configure it suit your needs, and to help setup some of the plugins. Also available are two plugins, Ultimate Category Cloud and Rechuked Buttons.
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CSS-Based Forms, Modern Solutions
Good examples of beautiful functional Web 2.0 forms. I know I'll be including some variation of these in my next website.
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Why do all resumes for designers suck? (And what you can do about it.)
If designers are supposed to be able to communicate ideas through graphic treatment, what does it mean that nearly all designer's resumes look like they're for accountants? Here's an article with examples, advice, and thoughts on why it's important to actually think about what you're doing as a designer.
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The Most Hypnotizing Website Ever
Definitely listen with speakers or headphones. The dots are arranged to trigger notes on a chromatic scale when they pass the line. How can something be so creepy yet so cool at the same time?
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Calendar of 3000 Online Drawings
This calendar contains Mosaic patterns of drawings created by artists online. The cover displays about 1200 tiny thumbnails of drawings from the site, while each month displays 250 larger thumbnail drawings in a Mosaic of colors.
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Amazing online organizer
If the actual product is anything like the video on the home page (and on youtube), this will scoop up and slaughter the current set of online personal organization and tracking systems. Very well thought out, works offline, prints to a useable, portable format and works with firefox.
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Photoshop Tutorial: How To Create Your Emblem
Many gamers may find this useful. This tutorial will teach you how to design your own emblem for your website or guild using Adobe Photoshop in very simple steps.
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BarCamp meets Transit: Toronto Transit Camp 2007
Toronto's BarCamp community are stepping out of the geeky shadows to work with other creative types in Toronto in creating a fascinating event called Toronto Transit Camp. It takes the basic unconference principles of BarCamp and applies them to difficult design problems around Toronto's transit system while celebrating transit's role in the city.
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101 Ways To Improve Your Digital Photography
Chris Marquardt of the tips from the top floor podcast shares his growing list of tips to improve digital photography.
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The 35 Sexiest Designed Websites you've Forgotten, part 3
Design Inspiration, especially for the upcoming CSS/Standards Reboots. The third edition of the biannual 35-sexiest list, this time with 23 CSS-based and 12 Flash-based designs. Hope you enjoy!
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PowerPoint OUT - Spresent IN! Google Should buy This Service!
Spresent is free Web-based presentations application based on Flash. Create and edit high-quality Flash presentations online. You can send presentations via e-mail or publish on your web site or blog.
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Massive list of sites all self learners should know about!
Large list of the best sites for people that like learning online.This is a resubmission because it got 3 votes but... 261 Votes on reddit and 728 saves on I say give it another chance.
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How to Turn an Ordinary Photo Into an Extraordinary Photo
A simple Photoshop tutorial that will show you how to liven up an old image and transform it from ordinary picture to an Extraordinary photo!
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Photoshop Web2.0 style tutorials and free open-source psds !!
Newly launched photoshop tutorial blog - a place to get inspired or download the latest web 2.0 style graphics in an opensource psd file. Great designs and easy to follow tutorials.
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Newbie's Guide to Flickr
Want your grandma to start using Flickr but don't feel like explaining it to her? This handy guide will have her tagging photos with 'Lasertag Sake-bombs' before you can shake a stick at your beer.
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Top Ten CSS Gallery/Showcase Websites
A round-up of the best CSS Gallery/Showcase websites around. Top 10 ranking is based on several factors including design, functionality, and overall originality. If you haven't visited one of these sites you should definitely have a look at them.
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Visualization: A Day of Diggs and a Thin Blue Line
As a follow-up to the first visualizations we made of user activity on Digg, we've analyzed an entire day's worth of digging activity in greater detail. The visualizations illustrate some general patterns, and one controversial story (claiming that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 before it happened) immediately becomes visible.
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the myspace problem
Why do successful websites often look like they were designed by someone who wouldn't be able to design their way out of a pencil case?
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Incredibly Strange 3D Rotating Website Menu
When you move the mouse, you orbit this menu. It can get very disorienting. The content of the website is equally confusing.
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Must know tips & tricks for photographers using photoshop
Some really neat tips, tricks and tutorials that can make a huge impact on your pictures.
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
Creator of CSSEdit2 Interview with Veerle Pieters of DUOH!
One of the reasons I was attracted to CSSEdit was its gorgeous interface. Jan Van Boghout isn’t only a talented developer but a great designer as well. I’m sure many people don’t realize, but Jan designs every element himself. High time we sat down with Jan...
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Well... Well... What do we have here?
It seems that I’ve been ripped off, and not by some cool suave artist type, but by some dude by putting up one of my images on his profile on JEFFREY MENDOZA to be exact, and boy I’m sure he’ll be surprised with how his Ultra-Cool, Totally-Rad, Awesome myspace page looks now!
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Cool AJAX RSS Feed Aggregator
jMe 1.0 Beta, a very original feed aggregator implementation. The interface is very simple and neat, divided on three section where you can search, select, then post your selected feed items to your blog, forum or other. There is currently a hand selected collection of OS X, Web 2.0 and programming related sources that you might enjoy reading.
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100% CSS Rounded Corners WITH anti-aliasing. No images. No JavaScript.
Spiffy Corners is a simple way to generate the CSS and HTML you need to create anti-aliased corners without using images or javascript.
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53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without
CSS-based techniques you should always have ready to hand if you develop web-sites. Thanks to all developers who contributed to accessible and usable css-based design over the last few years. We really appreciate it. Show some Love.
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PICTURE: The Floating City of the Year 2000 (from 1979)
The Sea City 2000 shows some great paleo-future technology such as the dish-shaped antenna that "beams microwave energy, generated by solar cells, to a receiver on the nearby coast." The bottom right corner shows a Buckminster Fuller design for a floating community. His design includes shops, schools and homes for 5,000 people.
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New Photoshop Brush Resources site. Stupid name. Cool brushes! has just launched! A one-stop-shop for some pretty cool high quality photoshop brushes and patterns. I know there are other sites out there just like this, but they're all pretty hard on the eyes. This one is meant to be easy to use (hence the name) so you can find what you're looking for quickly! You can even upload your own.
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45 Fresh, Clean and Impressive Designs
Sometimes it’s just amazing to see, which level of usability, legibility and visual appeal can be achieved using some basic design techniques. In fact, some talanted web-developers manage to deliver powerful, functional and gorgeous web-design in “look-and-feel”-style. Let's take a look at their masterpieces.
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Free Design Templates
Some web-sites offer high quality templates for the best price you would ever get - for free. You can download Flash-based templates as well as CSS-based layouts; furthermore, you can use them for your personal and commercial projects without any restrictions whatsoever. This article shows, where you'll find them.
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A List Apart: Why Whitespace Matters
Whitespace can make or break your site. The design gurus at A List Apart mastered the art of the space with their latest design (by, and now you can learn how to take advantage of it and maximize your content.. or lack thereof.
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Web design is 95% typography.
95% of the information on the web is written language. It is only logic to say that a web designer should get good training in the main discipline of shaping written information, in other words: Typography.
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Naughty Logos - Logo design gone wrong
Naughty logos with an animated twist. Some are down right dirty and still used.Vote for the naughtiest logo!
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Gallery 2 Theme Contest Commences
The Gallery Project is pleased to announce the Gallery 2 Theme Contest! Gallery is looking for new, inspiring, feature complete, and original themes to be created by our amazing users! In appreciation for these themes, we will award you with fame and prize money ($3,141.59 USD). The deadline for submissions is January 14, 2007 ... [more]
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Amazing Staircase Design
The inside of the new Thomas Heatherwick designed Longchamps store, Spring Street, New York.
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What REALLY matters in web design
Forget everything you've learned about web design, and read here what you really need to know!
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A design gallery just for logos
A well designed logo gallery that is described as "A Place To Fish For Ideas".
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Hundreds of Web Design Tools
This web site has hundreds of links to web design tools sorted by category and popularity. The site stores your favorites so you can reference them later. The categories on the site are: color, css, fonts, html, icons, images, inspiration, tutorials, and widgets. You can even add your own links.
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More Than Just a CSS Design Gallery
If you're a part of a web standards world, join the css globe and use the opportunity to create the news yourself.
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Communicating web 2.0 through design
The majority of web users don't understand how to use many of the flashy new features (ie. Ajax drag and drop, tagging) - this articles suggests some ways to teach them through instructive design.
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Stamen Design talks about Designing Digg Labs
I had the opportunity to speak with Stamen about what makes digg labs work, as well as the other amazing projects Stamen is doing. It's the CreativeXpert Interview Series...
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The 14 Point Web Design Checklist
If you've ever had any sort of problem deciding on what to charge clients for your web design services, just read this list and be educated.
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read more | digg story -- a museum of strange and rarely used HTML tags
Old tags never die. They just go to Hell and regroup. At From reversed text to marquees, acronyms to quotes, there's a lot of weird stuff hidden in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. Some of them are even useful... but most of 'em are just kind of inexplicable.
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LogoMaid steals logo from SimpleBits is at it again. This assembly line for cheap, non-original logos appears to have taken the new logo from SImpleBits, modified the shape slightly, and tried to pawn it off as their own. A pretty long discussion takes place on this Flickr page between designers and someone who appears to be involved with LogoMaid.
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Firefox 2 Officially Released
The website has been updated with download links, press release, and a post from Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker about the official release of Firefox 2. Well done everyone.
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GoDaddy makes security site disappear after MySpace complains
A host of mailing list archives disappears after thousands of MySpace usernames and passwords are archived on the site.
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How To Make Your Own Laundry Detergent
I’ve been experimenting with making lots of cleaning supplies at home, but this one is by far the craziest - and the most successful. Basically, I made a giant bucket of slime that works incredibly well as laundry detergent at a cost of about three cents a load. For comparison’s sake, a jumbo container of Tide at costs $28.99 for 96 load
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URL Fixer: Firefox extension automatically corrects common URL typos
URL Fixer is an extension for Mozilla-based Web browsers that corrects typos in URLs that you enter in the address bar. For example, if you type google.con, it will correct it to -asking first, if you enable confirmation. (via DownloadSquad and LifeHacker)
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RoboDS Public Interface
You can now control my prototype RoboDS bot located in my basement in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Please go to Yes, the robot does have a laser :PThe setup consists of open RoboDS prototype and DSerial2, 3 cameras, an old computer acting as a camera server and my webhost. One camera is a Canon PowerShot A70 and provides pe[...]
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ESPN Front Page Follow Up to Kid Imprisoned 10 Years for Having Oral Sex
This is an excellent, front page article about the teenager, Genarlow Wilson, who was imprisoned in Georgia for 10 years for having consensual oral sex with a minor while he was still a minor. Original digg story has over 3500+ Diggs.
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Lindsay Lohan causes massive DoS war
An animated gif of Lindsay Lohan, stolen from and placed on Ebaums world without a credit has caused uproar -the massed ranks of, and newsgrounds descended upon ebaums site and hosed the lot. Its all got a bit serious now and site owners are appealing for calm (and getting nowhere).
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kbalertz donating XBOX's to charity is donating xbox 360's to charity with your help. Short story -- TextPayMe is promoting their service, and giving xbox's away in exchange fro referrals. So is promoting the service, using a single referral code, and all the received xbox's will be given to charity.
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1M User Party Update!
Following up on my last post about reaching the millionth registered user milestone, here are the details for the party that we're planning as a thank-you for all of your contributions to Digg.
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Donate to nonprofits while shop online - no extra cost
Shop with over 150 etailers (amazon, ebay, office depot, newegg, etc), and a % is donated to a nonprofit you choose. 5% donation for amazon, 12% for and no additional cost to you! they have coupons too. its pretty simple and takes less than 2 minutes to sign up, which is optinonal. don't start shopping without it.
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Automatically Add RSS Feeds to Any Website
RSS, also known as "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication", is a simple XML format used for distributing news headlines and other content on the Web.RSS feeds are now being used in the most well-known news sites on the Internet to send news feeds and important announcements.FREE Service at
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Digg Launches 'BigSpy' and updated 'Stack'
"Digg BigSpy places stories at the top of the screen as they are dugg. As new stories are dugg, older stories move down the list. Bigger stories have more diggs." Also make sure to check out the new version of Stack (which now displays digger names and story titles).
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Flickeur - Every Picture Tells a Story
Flickeur randomly retrieves images from and creates an infinite film with a style that can vary between stream-of-consciousness, documentary or video clip. All the blends, motions, zooms or timeleaps are completely random. [...]Flickeur by Mario Klingemann / Quasimondo
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How to create your own Youtube and get your own billion
Article about how to create your own video sharing service with flash video streaming using only open-source tools.
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Digg has Added a Jobs Page... and We're Hiring
We've now added a jobs page as a central place to find what positions are available at Digg. Currently, there are three listings in the jobs section, but there will be more in the near future so keep checking periodically. For Operations we're looking to find a DBA and a Senior Systems Engineer. And, we're looking for a great graphic designer too.
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Google Confirms Disappearing Site Glitch
Looked for pages from your site using Google's site: command and been shocked that most seem gone? It's down to how Google tries to dedupe pages based on descriptions -- and a glitch makes it seem like pages are going missing. Google says a fix is on the way.
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New 'Smart' Digg This Buttons For Your Website/Blog
"We’re glad to announce an update to our Digg This button. You used to need different tools to provide links on your site to submit content to Digg versus buttons to Digg content you’ve already submitted. Our new Digg This button has finally been given a brain to do both!"
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Make XP Look Like Vista
Despite Windows Vista being out for a few months now, not everyone is ready or willing to make the big "switch" just yet. Some people are waiting for the time to buy a new PC, some are not upgrading because their hardware isn't up to it, and some well.....just don't want to. So I'm going to show you how to get a Vista-like desktop on XP.
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Register using a fake email address - then grab the emails from
To avoid spam, send your registration forms to *(anything)*, then go to and type in *(anything)*. Your email will be available with complete anonymity. No prior setup or login required.
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A Couple of Updates from Digg
Kevin Rose explains some upcoming changes to Digg. He addresses issues of gaming, the top user list, and some new features that are in the works.
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Help Spread The Word, And Get Your Name On The Digg Homepage!
While we are hard at work on several massive Digg features, we were able to crank out a little new friend invite feature. After your friends sign-up, Digg will display your name on the homepage as a recognition that you’ve added someone to the community. Your profile stats page will also display how many friend referrals you have completed.
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Two Years of Digging!
"Hard to believe, but two years ago today, Kevin decided my code was bug- free enough to take down the beta sign and unleash Digg upon the world. It's been a crazy and exciting time since then, and we owe it all to you - the loyal and passionate members of the Digg community." Thanks everyone and Happy Birthday to all! : )
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All-in-one blog+shop+forums+gallery now free. takes on Wordpress and 6apart with an all-in-one solution that includes everything but the kitchen sink. Ad-supported via Google Adsense, but the ads can be removed for 5 bucks a month. 2 Gigabyte of storage included.
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Fanboy Dream: Barry Bond's 715 ball auction live
New eBay site tracks the auction action in real time, powered by Mpire. Vidtoon of the catch:
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FREE TV online? Watch your favourite TV shows, no downloads necessary
A brand new site is now online where you can watch all of your favourite TV shows for FREE . Everything from Entourage, to Desperate Housewives, Prison Break and 24, you will find it here. I came accross this site and felt it necessary to share it with all of you.
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A Monkey asks for money for a Mac.
First a guy gets donations to blow up his G4 now a Monkey is asking for Donations to buy a mac mini because his iMac g3 broke. Pretty Funny, and worth a donation to the crazy idea. "Donate to Gurky! Gurky is trying to collect donations so he can buy a Mac Mini to replace his broken G3." So in end i guess Monkeys like Apples more than Bananas.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Who is Owen Byrne?
He was hired by Digg Co-founder Kevin Rose on Elance to create the PHP code behind the original digg site for a cost of $200 [2]. His code was considered bug free enough in December 2005 and the beta site of was released [3] receiving 578 registered users in the first week.
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Wanted: Repair person for Dig Dug tabletop machine
"If I can’t get it working again, the developers have threatened to stop coding. The repair has even stumped Kevin believe it or not. Please help me keep the digg staff happy and send your qualifications to: diggdugg at digg dot com. We are located in San Francisco so our only requirement is that you are local."
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BusinessWeek DIGGS Cover Boy Kevin Rose - Millionaire! Valley Boy!
August 14 BusinessWeek. The cover blurb reads: How This Kid Made $60 Million In 18 Months.'s KEVIN ROSE leads a new brat pack of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs. -- The writers grant Kevin rock star status. Oh, yes, they talk about other young web luminaries as well.
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Digg Signature Creator - Generate your own personal Digg Signature
DiggSig allows Digg users to enter their username and will generate a personal forum signature, including their latest Digg, Rank, Stories Dugg, Stories Submitted in addition to other useful stats from their account. Signatures automatically update so to show your latest stats. Works on MySpace, forums, personal websites, etc.
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Digg Unveils New Features - Kevin's Blog Post Explains with Video
New Digg Features O’ Plentyby Kevin Rose at 6am, Dec 18th, 2006 in Digg Website Big update today. Tons of new features to share with you – many inspired by feedback you’ve given us over the last few months (thanks!). Check out this video ... (( ))
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How to install open Source Digg code (Meneame)
Recently a site called Meneame (which emulated opened it's source code up. The problem for Anglophones is that the code is written in Spanish and installation documentation is non-existant. Here's how you get it running.
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Carlos Mencia Uses DMCA to Silence Critics and Censor DIGG
Carlos Mencia is well-known for stealing jokes, but when Joe Rogan called him out on it in a video, Mencia used the absurd DMCA law to remove the video thus censoring and silencing his critics. The video is question is included in the link.
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BusinessWeek DIGGS Cover Boy Kevin Rose - Millionaire! Valley Boy!
August 14 BusinessWeek. The cover blurb reads: How This Kid Made $60 Million In 18 Months.'s KEVIN ROSE leads a new brat pack of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs. -- The writers grant Kevin rock star status. Oh, yes, they talk about other young web luminaries as well.
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Digg is blocked at thousands of schools across the nation - Stop it!
Thousands of schools in the US use the BESS filtering system. The nice people at Secure Computing decided that should be blocked. Send an email to, and tell them to stop blocking digg.
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Digg is used for Sun stock manipulation
Something extremely weird is going on over on Today for the third time in a short period, a story got promoted to the front page where a blogger raises a baseless rumour about Google buying Sun. It appears that this is the result of a coordinated effort to fool Digg into promoting the story.
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Digg Growth Online - Threat to Yahoo! News?
Blog with interesting stats on the growth of in the UK, which ranks 4th among IT News and Media sites. Amazing charts showing growth - cited as 5 fold year on year. Also analysis of search terms sending visits to the site and downstream sites visited after
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read more | digg story Tagging Vista at
The BadVista campaign is encouraging supporters to take a minute and visit the Amazon page for each of the Vista versions and leave tags that express their opinion about the software, so that other potential users will have a chance to learn about the unadvertised Vista “features” that lock them out of their own computer.
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read more | digg story - Discover and share software
This week the Dutch new start-up Deligio launched a new search engine which focuses on finding software. Deligio enables the user to easily search and find software, shareware and freeware.
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The CNET Ultimate RSS Make-Over
Please, CNET, look at these screenshots, read my comments on each of them, and then tell me if you agree your website is in desperate need of a make-over with respect to RSS support
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Graphic design, imaging software like Adobe Photoshop, 3d modeling rendering and animation, flash tutorials, macromedia dreamweaver and web design.
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site where people can post pictures of people parking like assholes. Check out the asshole SUV taking up 3 spots!
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A handy directory for Webmasters, this site offers loads of helpful free goodies for making the most of your site. Be sure to check out their extensive collection of online Webmaster tools and more.
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Reddit is a site that similarly to digg puts the users in control, but it has a much simpler layout with many more stories on the front page at a time, and a simpler system for upmodding and downmodding stories. I tried it out and enjoyed it, maybe you'll do the same.
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read more | digg story - Amazing DHTML and AJAX Code
All for free, this site has some excellent DHTML and AJAX code you can download. Under Drag and Drop it even has the basics of an AJAX homepage!
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Nintendo Wii + Kitties =
" is a concept that began at the launch of the Wii. What began as a message board phenomenon birthed the site that stands before you."Well... I'm really not sure what to say about this...
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CNET Thievery in the digital age
I recently got my car stolen from a public parking lot. When I got it back several days later, all the electronics were stolen, along with everything else even remotely valuable. The same day I got it back, a friend of mine told me to check out Craigslist to see if any of my stuff had been listed. I took his advice, and to my surprise I found a loc
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read more | digg story Gross. What should OpenDNS do?
Should OpenDNS replace a malware source and a domain typosquatter with the correct host? They want our opinions, what are your thoughts?
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read more | digg story hijack is currently spreading like wildfire
Somebody has managed to hack Myspace with a flash redirect that exploits what is apparently a gaping wide hole in their code. If you are signed into Myspace, and you go to a compromised page, you will be redirected to a blog post containing a diatribe about how the U.S. government is behind 9/11 & your page will now be hijacked! Solution at link.
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read more | digg story - Amazing DHTML and AJAX Code
All for free, this site has some excellent DHTML and AJAX code you can download. Under Drag and Drop it even has the basics of an AJAX homepage!
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Digg Forces Shutdown of Domain, a site that hosts a panorama of web games featured on Digg, was recently forced to abandon its domain name due to legal complaints. Furthermore, "" has been banned from being entered as a story URL. While Digg's actions are understandable, its nature as a democratic online outlet makes such restrainment questionable.
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read more | digg story covers SXSW, music and news employs expensive video equipment and whisky to provide unparalleled coverage of Austin TX's SXSW music festival; exclusive video of live performances by Future of the Left, Saturday Looks Good To Me, Blonde Redhead, Benjy Ferree, Child Abuse, Medicine F*ck Dream, and more; new content added hourly. Bring your own mustache.
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read more | digg story A Second Life Satire Site
Fornicate using your actual genitals! Access your 'closet' to build your First Life look! America's teens, your First Life dream world awaits. Hang out at the mall! Embarrass yourself in gym class! Get acne! Visit this strange and exotic land where server lag doesn't exist.
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Ask X - New UI for Secretly Launched
Tonight I stumbled upon what appears to be a brand new User Interface for I was doing some searches on when I noticed a link in the top right asking me to try out something called Ask X. When I clicked on the link, it regenerated my original query using a new interface - labeled AskX.
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Wii Flash Games at
Get ready for lots of flash games to play on your Wii! There are plenty of good ones, and they're all wiiplayable.
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read more | digg story Flash-based Photoshop-like image editor
This is the first online image editor that I know of that includes photoshop-style layers. It is still in early beta at this time, but it shows a lot of promise
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read more | digg story An Apple/Da Vinci Code Satire
In light of events in the book and movie Da Vinci Code, a satirical connection to Apple was inevitable. Just a one-page satire site.
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read more | digg story CEO Says SCREW Customers!
Homestead CEO, Justin Kitch, says on his blog that he doesn't want customers who make his employees feel bad and ask for discounts. The hosting firm CEO says he finds "firing customers" a healthy business practice.
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read more | digg story - A site of various weapons made from common office supplies
Tired of boring meetings? Wish you could shoot the guy droning on? An entire website of various guns to be made from common office supplies, complete with velocity, load times, and firing ranges!
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New design coming?
I just found this image from "It's design test made for Fantasy Interactive for the next generation of site" says the caption. It looks quite great to me.
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dnScoop is a many domain tools wrapped into one convent package. A domain traffic tool, a domain whois tool, a domain history, a domain popularity, domain appraisal (site value report), a link value appraisal (link value report), pagerank check, an inbound links count, an indexed pages check and more.
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In 2003, Kevin Rose had a big idea. He went to to post a project and look for a PHP programmer, he selected Owen Byrne (Elance username: permafrost) and worked with him to build for $10 hr. Listen to Kevin's presentation
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Dear I'm going to save you a million dollars with 3 lines of code
Dear - I couldn't help but notice your site has a small technical issue. It's no biggie, but I think fixing it could save you a bunch of money. Luckily, these three lines of code are all it takes to patch things up.
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New SVG Features in Firefox 3 Alpha
Tim Rowley, SVG developer in Mozilla, updates us on the latest new features in Firefox 3, including rendering performance enhancements, vector-based printing output, better standards support, etc.
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Top 10 high-tech vehicles for the filthy rich
10. Unnamed Balloon Car from Belarus; 9. MDI Compressed-Air Car; 8. Chimera All-Terrain Vehicle; 7. Badokadonk Personal Tank; 6. Personalized Jet Pack; 5. Sky Yacht; 4. Tesla Roadster; 3. Sebeo Aquarius: Underwater Sports Car; 2. Gold-Plated Porsche; and 1. Rinspeed Splash. Article includes photos and links.
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Wooden Touchscreen Terminal
This is a 15" LCD touchscreen with a Celeron 633MHz board with 128MB RAM in a wooden case of my construction. The case also contains the PSU. The bottom part of the screen surround hinges down to allow access to the monitor controls. The button mounted on the base is the power button and indicator light.
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Google adds AdWords ads to US mobile search service
Google Inc. has joined the mobile marketing playground with a wireless version of its AdWords service.
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Fingerprinting WiFi could secure MAC addresses
MAC address spoofing on wireless networks could come to an end with a new security technique that would allow network administrators to see a unique WiFi fingerprints for each device.
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Nanoscientists Create Biological Switch from Spinach Molecule
Nanoscientists have transformed a molecule of chlorophyll-a from spinach into a complex biological switch that has possible future applications for green energy, technology and medicine. The study shows how scientists can use new technology to manipulate the configuration of the spinach molecule in four different arrangements.
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Now they have two problems...
There's a fairly well known quote (among programmers, at least), that goes like this: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. -- Jamie Zawinski
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